Mythos Tomes – Song of the Djinn

Location: Misr House -Secret Workroom (England)

Physical Description: Manuscript, bound in goatskin with bronze clasp

Author: Ghalib al-Sabbah, an aspiring poet and astronomer, originally from Baghdad and lesser colleague of Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Fazari and Yaqub ibn Tariq. He later traveled to Damascus to seek out the writings of Abdul Hazred. Nearly all of his written works were destroyed by Persian authorities.

Publication History:  Heretical work published in 797 CE, alleged to be the transcript of a discussion between al-Sabbah and a “scorching fire.”


The conversations touch on a wide variety of esoteric and arcane subject matter; however, much of the material appears to be extracted from myths, legends, and literature. The text ends with a description of the methods al-Sabbah used to create a vessel that may be used to house his “flaming djinni.” 

Spells: Enchantment of Living Flame – see below

Connection to the Broader Campaign: 

Al-Sabbah’s Brazier: The tome provides a spell to construct an artifact, which bears the Sign of Cthugha and allows the containment of multiple fire vampires. This same artifact allows the user to draw upon the power of Cthugha to melt magically imbued metal, providing the means to destroy the Crown of Nitocris, as well as magical locks and devices, such as Stanford’s Gate Box. The Brazier can also be used as a substitute or augmentation for Locksmith skill roll with the value set at Keeper’s discretion (suggested 50-65%). Alternatively, the Brazier could weaken or soften the lock mechanism and provide a Bonus Die to rolls. The torch may be extinguished or re-ignited by invoking Cthugha’s name.

Fire Vampires: Allows the summoning of more than one Fire Vampire. Each additional vampire imposes a cost of 1d3 Sanity and 3 Magic Points. Each separate vampire requires a separate binding. 

Thorough Reading: 

Al-Sabbah traveling within the all-consuming flames.


“The cold desert night erupted in flames. The once dark, forbidding heavens exploded with blinding light. From behind, my djinni companion warned me not to look away, as the Burning One would not bear my disrespect lightly. My eyes burned for uncountable agonizing minutes, as the infernal orb slowly cooled to a dull orange glow blotched with ugly, shifting dark spots on its surface. Tongues of brighter flame licked along the surface of the giant blazing mass that hung in the sky, blotting out the moon and dimming the stars. I thought I saw the outline of strange and wicked chains resisting the violent rotation of this great conflagration. Despite the fading intensity of the globe’s light, a scorching pain continued to build in my skull accompanied by a deafening roar raging through the atmosphere above. Without warning, the vengeful conflagration plummeted to the earth engulfing the ancient pyramid in flames and searing the vision of K’tugah forever into my mind.”     


My companion led me to the expanse of a great plateau high above the desert. We had traveled deep into the night from the nearby village. He directed my gaze skyward to a faint blue light traversing the void above, as he engulfed me in his fire.

“Suddenly I stood before a giant temple, seemingly constructed from great sheets of ice and lit by a chilling orb of guttering blue flame. I felt the immensity of this power as the cold cosmos ripped by with celestial bodies vanishing in fading trails. Despite the chill emitting from the orb, the strange frozen ground below me emitted a disturbing warmth. 

“I was ordered to bow before the King Regent and High Priest, Fatwah-gah. And so I did.”

Fire Vampires:

“For my acquiescence and by the mercy of my new King, I believe I was permitted to live. During my brief stay on K’tin’ja, I learned that my companion and guide was but one of many. During my short time at the King Regent’s court, I watched many more such beings manifest escorting a bewildering variety of other humans and strange creatures. These fellow travelers disappeared in agony, consumed by the living fires. I watched, rapt, as Fatwah-gah’s subjects made their offerings, dissolving souls and harvesting knowledge. In awe, I offered my soul to my companion, yet he declined. ‘Your day has not yet arrived, al-Sabbah, but it shall.” 

The violent, unrestrained energy of a solitary fire vampire.