Random Events – Oceanic Travel

Whether playing Masks of Nyarlathotep or enjoying a home-brew campaign, travel on a majestic ocean liner is the period-perfect mode to reach far-flung destinations. If seasoned investigators expect to sun themselves on the deck while enjoying a juicy Mythos tome or draw a quick redline to their next stop, these two random events tables help catch them off-guard and introduce some intrigue into their stately voyage. The first table provides action-packed situations that affect the entire boat, while the second creates personal predicaments and investigative threads. Depending on available time and investigator interest, these can be quick interludes or fuel for in-depth investigations. Storm at Sea: A fierce storm batters the liner, causing it to

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Impossible Landscapes – The Interlude

The interlude between “The Night Floors” and “A Volume of Secret Faces” (AVoSF) is a critical interstitial period. Whether you opt to playthrough, montage, or shimmering shift the intervening 20 years between these two acts, the fleeting Carcosan imagery from “The Night Floors” should linger in the minds of the agents and their players. The campaign provides valuable advice and modified mechanics to enable this weighty transition. Here, we will delve into the advice and share our table’s interlude experience, which hinged on haunting dreams powered by Heinrich’s Call of Cthulhu Guide to Carcosa, which I previously reviewed. Replace the Lost: If agents die or completely lose their minds in the first act, they must

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Snake Oil Salesman – Run & Review

Florida. Indisputably weird place. Lovecraft himself sent his recurrent protagonist Randolph Carter down there on an unsettling adventure. Snake Oil Salesman is a Classic-era Call of Cthulhu scenario that brings the investigation to a floundering sanatorium tucked in the remote Florida swampland outside Tampa. It’s the first Miskatonic Repository outing by Chris Tatum and the content pairs perfectly with reliably awesome layout and design work by Alex Guillotte.  Drawing inspiration from the Road to Wellville, Tatum intentionally crafted this wonderfully encapsulated investigative scenario for the Second Annual Cthulhu Masters Tournament hosted by Lurking Fears at the 2024 Origins Game Fair. Eight tables overseen by a collection of talented Keepers, including Jon Hook and XP Lovecat,

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Miskatonic Repository Review – Final Thoughts

I’m returning from a month-long sabbatical to provide some brief conclusive remarks to my Miskatonic Repository Best-Seller review. Since the initial post at the end of June 2024, multiple scenarios have joined the ranks of Electrum, like A Drop of Nelson’s Blood, Bride of the Wilds, The Haunted Grove, Kane’s Tone, Pop Goes the Weasel, and The Tunnel People. Then there are the newly minted Gold Sellers like The Art of Hygge, Bad Tidings, and Unremembered. Impressively, Miskatonic Playhouse’s TA Newman hit the mother lode with The Prisoner’s Dilemma, Secret Santa, and Be My Valentine all advancing to Gold. I do not intend to revise any of the previously reported figures, but I want to

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Miskatonic Repository – Best-selling Supplements

Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. -Chaosium The Miskatonic Repository provides a trove of resources, scenarios, and, most importantly, a thriving creative community, for Call of Cthulhu enthusiasts. Since its launch in 2018, this partnership with DriveThruRPG allows independent creators to self-publish their materials for the classic investigative TTRPG. By 2024, the Miskatonic Repository hit a milestone of 150,000 titles sold. Thanks to information provided by Community Ambassador

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Miskatonic Repository – Platinum Plus Best Sellers

Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. -Chaosium The Miskatonic Repository provides a trove of resources, scenarios, and, most importantly, a thriving creative community, for Call of Cthulhu enthusiasts. Since its launch in 2018, this partnership with DriveThruRPG allows independent creators to self-publish their materials for the classic investigative TTRPG. By 2024, the Miskatonic Repository hit a milestone of 150,000 titles sold. Thanks to information provided by Community Ambassador

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The End is Near…So What?

Just a few days ago, Alex Guillotte and I pushed our Call of Cthulhu collaboration Deliver Us From Evil onto DriveThruRPG. This project started as my effort to write something punchier, shorter, and more procedurally driven than my past scenarios. I wanted to force myself into a linear structure (a railroad!) but use different narrative elements, like modified game mechanics and flashbacks, to create player interest. I aimed to create a cinematic experience rather than a typical investigation. For certain, I failed to produce something short and punchy, and I will continue to chase this White Whale.  As the project neared its end, though, I viciously questioned the linear narrative, my mechanical fiddling, and well-worn

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Miskatonic Repository Review – Electrum Best Sellers

Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.  -Chaosium The Miskatonic Repository provides a trove of resources, scenarios, and, most importantly, a thriving creative community, for Call of Cthulhu enthusiasts. Since its launch in 2018, this partnership with DriveThruRPG allows independent creators to self-publish their materials for the classic investigative TTRPG. By 2024, the Miskatonic Repository hit a milestone of 150,000 titles sold. Thanks to information provided by Community Ambassador

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Miskatonic Repository Review – Gold Best Sellers

Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.  The Miskatonic Repository provides a trove of resources, scenarios, and, most importantly, a thriving creative community, for Call of Cthulhu enthusiasts. Since its launch in 2018, this partnership with DriveThruRPG allows independent creators to self-publish their materials for the classic investigative TTRPG. By 2024, the Miskatonic Repository hit a milestone of 150,000 titles sold. Thanks to information provided by Community Ambassador Nick

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Origins 2024 – Alpha and Omega

The horror of reality looms large on the horizon. I departed Phoenix last Sunday for a short work trip in Milwaukee before arriving at Origins on Wednesday afternoon. The plaintive cries of obligation now issue forth from my inbox that managed to seal with a protective ward (read out-of-office message) over a week ago. My time is running short to sketch an outline of my most recent journey through the halls of the Columbus Convention Center and surrounding environs. In haste, I shall not wax poetic and lengthy about these adventures but, rest assured, a good time was had and many good companions encountered. Wednesday Early check-in before noon allowed me to drop my luggage,

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